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Clubbell - trendy extension of dumbbell training

Clubbell training is all the rage in the fitness industry with its sophisticated concepts for training the arm, shoulder, back and hand muscles. Buying a clubbell is a smart idea with regard to strength training that is characterised by high efficiency. What is this piece of sports equipment all about? What is the main thing to consider when buying clubbells? Capital Sports carries clubbells in different designs and is also ready to answer any questions. Time to take a detailed look behind the scenes of one of today's most sought-after sports trends.

Swing club & anything but a dumbbell

Basically, clubbells are not to be confused with dumbbells because they offer a completely different type of training. They allow functional strength training that combines a variety of personal goals. These are primarily strength, stability and coordination - but also balance training and improved endurance. The exercises with such a swing club can roughly be compared with those with kettles.

Clubbells are designed for repetitive arm movement, and centrifugal force is fundamental to this type of training. This affects the musculature of the arms and the entire trunk, including the shoulders, back and hands. The goal is to use the centrifugal force for strengthening. Therefore, training with clubbells is usually perceived as pleasant, but still effective.

Clubbells are also excellent for rehabilitation after accidental injuries. At the same time, they can be used prophylactically in order to prevent injuries by strengthening muscles.

Who is clubbell training suitable for?

The swing clubs can be part of a regular workout for exercise enthusiasts. They also offer particularly great added value to athletes who use clubbells for warm-up training. Swimmers, tennis players, and also martial artists use this piece of gymnastics equipment, which has been known for thousands of years, for a warm-up before starting actual training.

Benefits when training with a clubbell

When choosing the right swing clubs, it is important that the club can be easily gripped by hand. It should lie comfortably in the hand so that a high degree of effectiveness can be achieved. The stem of the clubbells available from Capital Sports is slightly roughened. This means that your (even sweaty) hands cannot easily slip off. The underside of the swing club is flat, so it can rest on a level surface without rolling away when lying down.

Buy premium quality clubbells online at Hifi Tower

The conventional gymnastics clubs in a new guise come in a premium version from Hifi Tower. They are made entirely of cast steel, are very solid and therefore have an excellent grip. A two-tone powder coating in blue and black refines the high-quality clubs. In order to meet the different requirements for individual functional training, clubbells are available in different weight classes in the online shop. Swing club beginners can start with a lighter weight and work their way up to the higher weight classes. Combinations within a single training session are also possible.

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